South Indian sensation Nayantara, who is currently busy shooting for Bodyguard (Malayalam) with actor Dileep under the direction of hit maker Siddique, has been confirmed to be the heroine of Suriya's next Tamil action entertainer Aadhavan (also spelt as Adhavan), directed by and produced by Udhayanidhi Stalin. This will be the first time that Nayantara-Suriya come together in a film. Shooting will start by the end of January.
Meanwhile, Nayan is pinning her hopes on her big Vijay film Villu to be released for Pongal. Villu once again brings together the successful Vijay-Prabhu Deva duo who gave us Pokkiri, the big hit of Pongal 2007. Though nothing much has been revealed about the story of Villu, it is rumoured to be a remake of Bollywood film Soldier starring Bobby Deol and Preity Zinta.
In Bodyguard (Malayalam), Nayantara plays the daughter of a tycoon (played by Tamil actor Thyagarajan) who hires a former NSG commando (Dileep) as her bodyguard. Recently, the film was shot at the CMS College, Kottayam and nearly 10,000 people turned up there to see the shooting.
This is the first time that Dileep is acting under the direction of Siddique, who, along with actor-producer Lal, has delivered several hit films: Ramji Rao Speaking, In Harihar Nagar, Godfather, Vietnam Colony and Kabuliwala. Slated for a Vishu release, Bodyguard is has a plot with plenty of comedy and action. Ouseppachan tunes for lyrics of Kaithapram Damodaran Namboothiri and Ananthakkuttan deals with cinematography. The producer is Johny Sagarika Cinema Square.
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