Promo trailer of ‘Arundhathi’ stands tall as evidence for the massive budget of 13 crores with its outstanding sets, spell binding visuals and impressive graphics. The movie has Anushka playing the protagonist which has been directed by Kodi Ramakrishna. Producer Shyam Prasad Reddy has made the film on Mallemala Entertainments banner.
The movie is set in the contemporary time which travels back into the past to reveal Arundhathi’s previous birth as a princess. Based on a twisting and interesting plot, the movie was in the making for awhile now. Now, official news has been out to the reuters that music of ‘Arundhathi’ composed by music director Koti, will be released on 10th January.
An insider look with the promos has added fuel to the people’s expectation. Extravagant costumes bring the historical feel which is being adorned by warriors and sword fights. The flick sure seems to be out of the box and not the commercial day to day entertainers. We will have to wait with bated breath in the upcoming days to see if ‘Arundhathi’ thrills us as promised.
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