The Vijay starrer 'Villu', produced by Ayngaran International, has opened across the globe in a big manner. The movie was released today, a couple of days before Pongal. Interestingly, the movie has created a record of sorts with advance booking for the movie at seven screens in Chennai which are already full for the next one week.
Vijay fans queued up in large numbers at theatres and it was joy and jubilation for them. They erected festoons and banners and celebrated the release in a grand manner. The movie starring Vijay and Nayantara, is directed by Prabhudeva, while music by Devi Sri Prasad is already topping the charts.
Both Vijay and Prabhudeva expressed confidence that the movie would make it big at the box office. It is one of the costliest films ever made and it is stylish with class, they said.
Ravi Varman has cranked the camera while Kola Baskar has done the editing.
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