The film is being publicised as Bollywood's first attempt to shoot Kung Fu realistically. And to make it look genuine, the makers roped in Dee Dee Ku, a stunt choreographer who's been in the business for almost three decades and has worked with masters like Jet Li. And it seems Akshay hasn't let him down.
“The first time I met him in studio was when we were doing song sequences and he had some wire work to do. So I asked him can you jump from there with all the wires and he said yes. I asked him if he had done it before and he said no, it is the first time,” Akshay said.
Dee Dee has choreographed action sequences for films like Iron Monkey, Fist of Fury, Romeo Must Die, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and Stepen Chow's latest film CJ7.
The fight master also trained leading lady Deepika Padukone for more than two weeks for her stunts, and yes, he says there is a fine difference between Akshay and Deepika's stunts.
“Girl fights should be powerful and beautiful while for Akshay it is either powerful or something that is not so serious,” Dee Dee said.
Well, we will believe it when we see it in Chandni Chowk to China which releases on January 16.
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