Dinesh Kumar, director of the starrer Sarathkumar 1977, announced that his film is nothing short of an adventurous James Bond film. The sleek movie is expected to release on Pongal as its shooting has been completed.
Shot mostly in Malaysia, the film stars Sarath in dual roles – father and a son. Veteran actress Jayasudha plays mother to the younger Sarathkumar; Namitha and newcomer Farzana add quite a lot of glamour to the movie. Sarath plays a scientist, all the more reason to display flashy and futuristic gadgets. So, with a brainy and brawny hero, ultra-modern gadgets, and beautiful girls, the film definitely offers all that a James Bond film can deliver.
Above all, Sarath has pulled off many stunts on his own and the stunts involving cables have come out excellently. One particular scene where Namitha and Sarath jump off a flyover onto a speeding truck would thrill the audience very much. Though performed using safety harness and cables, the risk associated was high, given the height of the flyover and speed at which the truck moved.
Soon, we will sit back in theatres and enjoy this film in which Sarath takes on the baddies who tarnished his father’s image.
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