The latest word about Marmayogi, which was kept in cold storage due to financial shortfalls, is that it will resume shooting on January 13th. Though there have been many rumours about the film being dropped, Kamal Haasan and producer Swaminathan (Pyramid Saimira) maintained that the film is only suspended for a brief period. Meanwhile, Kamal Haasan announced an interim project Thalaivan Irukkindran and news surfaced that this would be his milch cow whose earnings would go into making Marmayogi, meaning that Marmayogi will be held in abeyance for long.
But proving all these surmises wrong, the message that comes as a big relief for Kamal fans. Reportedly, Kamal Haasan will also go ahead with his Thalaivan Irukkindran, which according to the latest rumours, will star Tabu and Venkatesh too! It is to be noted that Kamal Haasan has not yet come up with an official statement about Thalaivan Irukkindran’s cast.
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